Values Hold Firm from Babies to Branding

Values Hold Firm from Babies to Branding

Charlotte Rose was born last night to the DDCC family; all 6 pounds of her. She’s our production manager Alex’s first baby. He watched her come into the world and he cradled her in his arms that first night for hours so her mother could get some sleep.

Charlotte is the 8th DDCC baby to join the family; adding to my two sons, Christina’s son and daughter, Dom’s son, and Aurora’s son and daughter. It’s easy to remember since they all come into the Studio on random summer and vacation days to hang while their moms or dads attend to business. They play swoosh basketball, watch movies, play ‘office,’ slide down the halls in their socks, eat chocolates out of the candy dish and complete charts and graphs on the white board.

Soon enough, we’ll see Charlotte join in the fun, with her own special brand of DDCC Studio antics.

Meanwhile, her dad Alex is here today, just hours after Charlotte has arrived. He’s taking care of business for his DDCC family; preparing to head back to the hospital later to swoon over his daughter once again. Somehow, he has managed to juggle his joy and presence at her birth with his high level of dedication to DDCC’s family and clients who so count on him to succeed.

Indeed, family values don’t start with family; they start with people. DDCC is full of gratitude—especially on this day—to have the highest quality people to serve our clients and each other. We care. We give our clients the best of us each and every moment of every business day. And when we get home, our values become ‘family values’ for the people we love. Maybe that’s why our kids feel so comfortable spending time here in our Studio. It feels a lot like home.


Posted by ddccweb




    Jul 24

    Joyce Lee/NAWBO

    Congratulation Alex, enjoy your baby girl!

    Jul 24

    Brenden Dohs

    Love it! Congrats Alex!

    Jul 24

    Tracie Gipson

    Congratulations Alex! She is a beauty!

    Jul 24


    She can hang out on my desk anytime!

    Jul 24

    susan howington

    There is absolutely nothing more wonderful in this world than a new born babe. What a gift!
    Congratulations Alex, you are a very fortunate man!

    DDCC, keep up the special work that you do – it’s a beautiful thing too!

    Jul 28

    Karen Lotridge

    She’s absolutely beautiful! Love the blog!


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