Category Archives: blog

What’s Right Is Right

Our Internal & External Thoughts Choices. They’re what life’s all about. Some of us have the luxury of making more choices than others. That’s a gift. And we cannot take it for granted. In many cases, our variety of choices are tied to the opportunities we’ve been afforded. I sometimes marvel at my fortune of …

When It Comes to Fears, This Syndrome Ain’t So Bad!

Okay, I admit it. I have FOMO. That’s the acronym for “fear of missing out.” My mother used to say I had “schpilkis.” That’s the Yiddish word for “ants in your pants.” If there’s a family’s or friend’s experience to be had, I’m all in. Weddings, birthdays, vacations, parties, dinners, ski trips, boat trips, sporting …

Even Abby Normal’s Brain Had to Learn New Tricks

Whenever I hear someone ask, “When will we get back to normal?” I crack a smile. It reminds me of the movie “Young Frankenstein’s” (pronounced FrankenSTEEN’s) character who mistakenly chose the brain of “Abby Normal” to insert into the doctor’s new creation. It begs the question of what exactly is “normal” anymore? Is there really a new normal? …

When Starting Something Isn’t

Is Today the Day? I’ve been thinking for months about writing a blog titled, “Start Something!” I just couldn’t get started. It got a little out of hand. I’d clear my mind; take long walks with my dog Kobe; drink my decaf during quiet times; and keep my mind working in the shower. I’d free …

We’re Tastin’ This Vibe

I love those little individually wrapped Dove chocolates. They’re rich, they melt in your mouth, and if you can manage to eat three or less, you won’t be killing your calorie count for the day. Believe it or not, I think the positive messages inside each foil wrap is what I enjoy about them most. …

A New Website

A Symbol of Success & Hope They say in marketing, the key to success is telling your story. So here’s a piece of mine. My mother was a concentration camp survivor. Her parents, my grandparents, were killed in front of a firing squad. My cousins and aunts and uncles in Germany were all shot or …

I Hope I’m Onto Something

The “Why” That Helps Me I left the house Monday morning to take my German Shepherd Kobe Bean Bryant for a walk. Not even 24 hours had passed since I had heard the devastating news about his namesake, my hero, dying in a helicopter crash in Calabasas. The sky was blue and the sun peaked …

Medium Rare Please

You Gotta Love It, Or Else I’m the restaurant guest who sends back her steak to the kitchen when it’s not rare enough. In fact, I’ll send back just about anything if it’s not prepared as I had requested. My philosophy is ‘Why should I suffer through a meal that doesn’t taste great, especially when …

Delivering Joy

Practice, Practice, Practice It’s been a few months since I attended the National Association of Women Business Owners (NAWBO) conference in Spokane, Washington, and there’s one thing that continues to stick in my mind. Two of the guest speakers at this inspiring event each focused on one topic near and dear to my heart. Joy. …

Try Bite-Sized Answers

“How’s everything?” What kind of question is that? Well, it’s the kind of question I bet you get asked very often. It certainly is for me. The quandary is how to answer it. Do the people who ask really want to know or does the nature of that question simply beg a one-word answer that …

Embrace the Pause; Capture the Silence

It’s not what you say; it’s what you don’t say that counts. As a speech-coach for a wide variety of C-level executives, I am quick to teach them just that among my 10 Tips of Effective Speaking. I’ve found that most speakers…well, most people—whether in meetings or on the big stage—are less than comfortable with …

We’re Keeping At It For You

That one house on your street…you know the one. It’s overgrown with dry weeds, its paint is chipping and the roof is missing a tile or 20. It brings down the value of every house on the block…including yours. I was walking past that house in my neighborhood the other day. I noticed right away …